
An Overview Of Our Ministrieskids-group

We Are His Workmanship

Most people are looking for meaning in their lives. At CEF we don’t blame them; one of the basic needs of each person is to know he is needed and has a purpose beyond himself. As children of God, we can know without a doubt that He who has called us has work for us to do on His behalf.

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” – Ephesians 2:10

From “Nothing” to “All Things” Through Christ:

The Lord is teaching me that dependency on Christ through humility (Phil. 2) and personal & collective prayer is the key to peace and joy & the building up of treasures in heaven. Apart from a relationship with Christ, we can do nothing that really counts (John 15:5, Gal. 5:6)…but through our dependent relationship with HIM, we can do all things through HIS strength (Phil. 4:13). From doing “nothingapart from Christ to doing “all things through Christ…the key is our abiding relationship with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords! It is Christ in us, the hope of glory (Col. 1:27)…His life that overflows in us & expresses love to others. It is God who works in us to will & act according to His good purpose (Phil. 2:13). We can rob ourselves of joy and peace when we try to live our Christian witness in our own strength, depending on ourselves and misplacing our confidence. How many times have you and I failed to seek, ask & trust God before acting? When we have God’s direction, we need to move ahead by faith (together with Christ, never alone) and trust God for the results. So, if you are feeling weary and maybe have started to lose your Christian fervor and passion for Christ, remember the desperate need you have for Christ, for intimacy with Him and for His life being expressed through you. You can’t and were not meant to do anything of eternal value (loving others, etc.) apart from Christ!

Remember these encouraging words:

“I can’t, He never said I could. He can, He always said He would.” –Major Ian Thomas Blessings